Saturday, 11 May 2013

Day 9

Accomodation; Moffat B&B
No doubt about it, today was our toughest yet with steady rain and blustery head winds. It started well enough, leaving Shap and sweeping down towards Penrith. We originally had thought to to follow a route to the west of the M6 but the old A6 was so quiet that we decided to stick to that route.

However,  before I go any further I should just mention that today was also Steve's birthday. As the day unfolded I think it can be said with some confidence that it  probably counts as one of his most uncomfortable  but congrats to Steve and thanks for sharing the trip.

Heading into deteriorating weather
As we made our way along the A6 it began to rain heavily and by the time we arrived in Carlisle we were both well and truly soaked. The rain did not afford Carlisle any favours and our impression were not good but we found an acceptable stop for coffee and to dry out.
Once we felt sufficiently rested and dry we set of once again to cross into Scotland at Gretna Green, known by all of a certain age where young lovers went to get married, so avioding the English age rules.

Wet but happy
Naturally we stopped to take a picture on entering Scotland, assisted by a lone LEJOG rider who happened to arrive at the same time and the continuing along the A6 in more rain and increasing head winds. There can be few things more demoralising than cycling into a strong head wind, apart, that is, from Devonshire hills...
A word about road surfaces. 

After a week of LEJOG you form strong opinions on the subject. You yearn for the smooth rolled tarmac ( sadly rare) and hate with a passion the "hot tar with stone chipping slung down" so beloved by Authorities in these straightened times. Scotland has developed a particularly brutal version of the latter.  I'll be surprised to have any teeth left at the end of this trip. 

After arrival in Moffat for the night we went out for an Indian meal in celebration of Steve's birthday. Truth be told, the culinary delights of Moffat are thin on the ground but the Indian meal worked out well.
And so to bed. Signs are tomorrow is set to be on the damp side as well but whatever,  the journey continues to be every bit the adventure anticipated. 

Accomodation; Moffat B&B